Sunday, April 26, 2009

Losing a freind

Have you ever lose a really good friend? Well, I haven't. But I might lose a friend within this week.
Let's just use that person's name as Penny for a while.

I don't know whether I am the one who's overreacting too much, or Penny is just tired of my appearance. Lately, Penny replies my comments so unenthusiastically. By lately I mean since 2 months ago.
I don't think I did anything wrong. So yesterday I asked Penny something like, "Are you tired of me? Did I do something wrong? Why are you acting so weird lately?" And Penny said something like, "Aku rimas dengan kaw. Sorry nik, but that's how I really feel"

Dudeeeeee, do you know how hurt am I right now?

Well, I think I am still overreacting and sensitive but I am a girl for god sake! They're mostly born sensitive! Now, I don't want to say anything to Penny. Because I don't want to get my heartbroken again. And I've pledged to myself saying that whatever happens, I'm going to accept it and move on.


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Friendship =]

Daaaang . Today en , the saddest thing happened ! Oh my gawdddd .
You guys know that Alif and I are like so freakin' close !
Soo ummmmmmm , yeah you guessed it .
Alif broke up with meeeee . Our friendship borke upppp .
But Alif wanted to "break up" our freindship for a week .
I don't know why , maybe he just hates me , or UGH I don't know .
So we are going to talk to each other again This Saturdayyyy .
So far so good . But know kinda think of it , I miss him a lot .
Huhhhh , :'(
I don't think I would survive without him .
Oh ohh I just found out that I AM NOT VISITING MALAYSIA THIS YEAR !
Freaaaaaaaaaaaaaak ! Sedihhhhhhh !
Two more years ........ June 2011.
Hmphhhhhhh . Lama gilaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
Darn. ! ! !

Monday, March 2, 2009


So it is Monday! I had a week of winter break and I had fun chatting with my beloved best friend, Alif. Oh Chaa too! And of course, Yasir. HAHA! It was a break alright. Ade orang Happy gilaaaa. =]

Today, I went to school right? Chat chat chaaaating with my peeps on the bus. Then, I told 'em that I was moving to New Jersey. I made the day. My friends were saddd. Making poopy faces. "Well, there are a lot more cooler friends than I am. Besides, I'm not moving until June," I said.
"Yayyyyyyyyy!" they were all happy and stuff.

The bell rang. I walked up to my locker. Reseting it. I FORGOT MY COMBONATION! HAHAHAHA! I went to the office for help. Yea yea yeaaaa I was late to class.
Ohh you know my favorite teacher Mr. Thobe? Haha. I told him that I was moving, lepastu dia cakap kuat kuat, "WHAT?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!". Dalam hati aku, Whoaaaa, dia eksah doooo. Ingat en aku ni invisible. Heheheheee. Terharu. "WHEN?!?!?!" Aku cakap laa, june. Dia pun relieved. "So kiteorang boleh laa have fun for 4 months at least. Good good. I almost got a heart attack. Sheesh." HAHAHA. Aku tulis Malay sebab takut dia baca ni.
malu laa pulak. Kikikikikikiii. The end.